We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. -- Mother Teresa

Sunday, February 28, 2010

With the Band...

So I'm notorious for signing myself up for random things and sometimes getting myself into sticky situations. Well in my over-eager attempts to be well on my way to getting connected in my field, I wound up being a Stage Manager for two bands in New Orleans today for the Mardi Gras Rock n Roll Marathon. I had a blast. It was a beautiful day, great weather, and my bands were awesome. I pretty much had an easy job, cue the bands, make sure they were taken care of, etc. My stage was at mile 15 of the 26 mile run, so we were catching people a little over half way through. The guys from ZamaPara and 3rd Echo were great and put on awesome shows, I know the runners enjoyed it. I know I did. Lounging on the City Park grass, listening to music, playing with dogs, and watching other people run a marathon... Made for a great day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here we go again...

So I've attempted to be a consistent blogger before, when I was in college, couldn't find time to do it. So here's to another shot at this.

I have some added incentive to actually bringing this to fruition, writing a blog for my department at work has been added to my job description. So in the coming months I'll probably do some plugs for it once we get it up and running. I figured before I start getting paid to blog for work, I'd become more dedicated to my own.

After all, I guess this is what my grandkids will have to look back on to see what an interesting life I lead since, for most, the art of journal writing has gone to rest.

I love my job. I should! I interned with the Communications dept at NGSB for two summers before getting hired for a "big kid job" there last month (today actually makes my 1 month anniversary as a full-time employee). I think I passed the point of "getting my feet wet" and dove right into a Special Events Coordinator position. I'm learning so much and am so excited for what the future holds.

I've finally begun making friends down here. It's good to finally have people to waste time with, but I miss my W girls more and more each day.

that's all for now.smh.